A diverse curriculum is about recognising and accepting differences in order to embrace new perspectives of inclusive teaching and learning practices, having as critical pioneers and ambassadors the children, young people, parents, local communities, business and school’s stakeholders.
The notion of diversity combines several subjects and essential identity qualities and elements that are part of our global society patterns. Some of these identity characteristics are race, disabilities, gender, age, religion, belief and socio-economic background (Teasley et al., 2009). Thus, it became important to re-design patterns within our multicultural society in order to impact the progress of governmental and educational policies.
In the school context, when the leadership team develop reflective
practices towards the implementation of a diversified curriculum, there is room for innovation and students will engage themselves in research as they strive to find solutions to certain problems. Students that are modelled to be leaders are likely to create solutions that are relevant to the needs of students. The month of October is an exceptional period where the great debates about re-launching an ’Ethnical Curriculum’ is remarkably expressed among (BAME) Black, Asian and Minority Community groups. The emerging need to reflect and demonstrate the powerful influence a richness and inclusive curriculum led many schools’ leaders to be ’Ethnicity Allies‘ by supporting and investing in innovative and creative ideas and suggestions from the Black community. During the month of October, many of the schools in England celebrate Black History Month, through the organization of specific events, workshop, explorative writing and reading activities.
As a result, there three benefits of planning and delivering a diverse and inclusive curriculum form early years to post-graduate academic level, such as:
Breaking barriers of lack of empathy, understanding and intolerance.
Opening new opportunities for acceptance of multicultural differences and individuals’ identity characteristics.
Promoting mature dialogues and spontaneous debate.
Dilma de Araujo
Ph.D Candidate
Race, Disabilities & Inclusion
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