Seminar Programme

An educational and informative seminar programme will be running throughout Childcare & Education Expo Manchester 2020 on both days. You can see the list of speakers & topics below.

For every seminar attended, visitors will receive an electronic CPD certificate after the event.

Friday 6th November

Elaine White, Senior Her Majesty’s Inspector

Elaine will discuss if Ofsted’s changes to the inspection framework have led to a force for improvement. She will explain that the curriculum will be at the heart of every inspection with the aim of ensuring that all children have access to high quality education. Focus will be placed on behaviour and attitudes and in challenging circumstances, providers would not be judged on the child’s behaviour but on the way that the setting manages individual children who display challenging behaviour.

Elaine White

Di Chilvers, Advisory consultant in early childhood education, WatchMeGrow

How should practitioners respond to Ofsted framework of changing the focus of assessment to go ‘beyond the data’ and look at children’s progress from their ‘starting points’ through a ‘range of sources’? This session will discuss how assessment for learning supports the quality of practice and maintains the momentum of children’s development and learning from birth to Y1. How do we make sure that we keep the child at the centre and take a holistic view of progress and what strategies should be used for keeping the focus on professionally informed, high quality observation and evaluation?

Di Chilvers

Susan Ogier, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Roehampton

  • How do educators ensure that they are educating the whole child?
  • Understanding the current challenges in the curriculum.
  • How do we make sure that we keep the child at the centre and take a holistic view of progress?
  • Strategies for evaluating education of the whole child

Sophie Garner, Vocal Coach, THE VOICE

  • What is the impact of music education, music practice, or exposure to music on school achievement, school attendance rates and pupils’ conduct in education?
  • What the latest research tells us about the role of music on social competencies, of motivation to learn, IQ, and the ability to concentrate?
  • How does music influence learning in core subjects as language or maths as well as contribute to the attainment of core goals of learning?
  • Overcoming barriers that different pupils have faced, and currently face, in making progress in music

Alice Sharp, Managing Director, Adventures With Alice

This session will share current thinking and theory and how it should be impacting our practice. Alice will explore a range of contexts to stimulate creative thinking. Alice will consider how we shape environments to offer rich learning, through engaging with sensitive, knowledgeable and nurturing adults. She will also identify ‘provocations’ that could be used to support sustained thinking and child developmental processes.

Saturday 7th November

Maria Moon, Senior Curriculum Consultant, Early Excellence

An opportunity to reflect on current research and practical ideas on how to support under threes Speech, Language and Communication effectively through carefully planned environments and high quality, effective interactions.

Ben Kingston-Hughes, Managing Director, Inspired Children

This unique seminar highlights the fascinating new neuroscience behind creativity and showcases a vibrant series of playful experiences to help children on the most important journey they will ever take. It also looks at the profound and life changing impact of positive adults inspiring creativity in children. Mind-blowing new information and a host of ideas to take back to the setting make this seminar essential for anyone working with children.

Jan Dubiel, Author, Effective Assessment in the EYFS

Recognised by Times Educational Supplement as one of the ten most influential people in British education Jan will offer insight into:

  • How to build teacher confidence and improve pupil learning through self-regulation
  • How does physical and personal development impact pupils’ learning?
  • Understanding what works and what doesn’t for different pupils
  • What is the relationship between personal and social development and teaching, learning and assessment in classrooms today?
Jan Dubiel

Dr Wendy Rydzkowsk, Principal Educational and Child Psychologist, Warrington Borough Council

  • Understanding why social and emotional skills matter
  • How can use stories imaginatively to empower children?
  • What does social and emotional learning look like?
  • How to integrate social and emotional into everyday teaching
  • Helping children identify others’ emotions and perspectives

Wendy Rydzkowsk

Stacey Kelly, Founder of Early Years Story Box, Early Years Story Box

Children are shaped by what they consistently hear, see and feel in their early years. Our words and actions are powerful and can have a huge impact on a child’s development. This seminar will explore different practices, giving food for thought and alternative ideas of how to get the best out of children now and in the future.

Stacey kelly